Senior level development and marketing searches, if done right, take many months, and rightly so. You should not feel rushed to fill an open position when firms like ours can help your organization maintain momentum, support the current staff, make decisions, remain on call as issues arise, proof materials, and more, while the critical search is ongoing.
We can help on site and/or remotely with interim staffing after an intensive visit, plus follow up visits as necessary. We set up online material review protocols, touch base with key leadership staff and/or volunteers daily (or on whatever schedule you prefer) and keep the institution's leaders abreast of any major issues or concerns. Basically, with your input and approval, we take over the advancement operation for the duration of your search. With over $105M raised, and over 30 years of fundraising, marketing, communications, and nonprofit management experience, you can rely on ADVANCEMENT ROI, LLC to get the job done.
Atlanta Girls' School experienced a Director of Development vacancy just a couple months before their fiscal year end. We onboarded quickly, designed, proofed and executed a successful, personalized year-end appeal, cleaned up their Raiser's Edge database, interviewed local potential capital campaign firms, and kept the operation firing on all cylinders until their new Director came on board. This took the pressure off the Head of School, and others, during the all-important search.
As an option while managing the program, we can also perform a comprehensive audit of the office and procedures to measure the effectiveness and "ROI" of your program. We will identify both obstacles and opportunities and provide a report of recommendations. This is an excellent way to provide your eventual new hire with momentum, and a heads up, on the day she/he arrives.
Contact us today to discuss your needs.
Keep your advancement team motivated and functioning at high levels.